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Sustainable 5S - T.Panneman (summary)

Sustainable 5S, a short book by Thijs Panneman, describes how you can use the widely used lean tool 5S to increase flow, productivity, and increase employee satisfaction. 5S is one of the most well-known tools in the lean production toolkit, but in more than 90% of the organizations in which the tool is used, it has not achieved the benefits that it could achieve. This book describes the causes of this missed opportunity on the basis of the author's own experience, and many tips to use 5S in a meaningful way from the start.


A Fieldguide to Lies and Statistics - D.Levitin (summary)

In his book A Field guide to Lies and Statistics, Daniel Levitin helps us to better understand published figures without being misled by representation of the writer. This article deals with two of the topics that are discussed in detail in this book: representing data in, among others, averages and graphs, and the quadrant for critical thinking that helps to interpret figures.

How to win Friends and Influence People - D.Carnegie (summary)

In How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie describes exactly what it promises. Written in 1938 and still loved.

The First 90 Days - M.Watkins (summary)

In his book The First 90 Days, Michael Watkins describes a number of strategies that you should think about when changing jobs. Every job change leads to a change of organization, manager or responsibilities, and it is important to analyse how you have to adapt your own behaviour and actions in order to be at least as successful in this new role as in your previous role.

De Goldmine - F. Ballé & M. Ballé (summary)

The gold mine is a novel written by Freddy and Michael Ballé. In order to make knowledge about Lean transformations more accessible to the general public, the various Lean tools are presented novel format with a story about a factory that is about to go bankrupt. The main character has the task to save the factory from bankruptcy, and is supported by the father of his best friend, who has worked for a car supplier. This man, Bob, describes an improvement course of seven steps: focus on internal failure (1), create flow (2), stabilize the process with standard work (3), implement levelled pull production (4), reduce batch sizes of material flows (5), improve the process with kaizen (6), lower the available resources (7) and start again.

Transactional Analysis for Trainers - J.Hay (summary)

In her fantastic book Transactional Analysis For Trainers, Julie Hay describes how you can use the theory of transactional analysis as a trainer to become a better trainer.

The One Thing! - G.Keller & J.Papasan (summary)

In their book The One Thing, Gary Keller and Jay Papasan describe the power of focus when you want to be productive. In the words of the authors: "be like a stamp, and hold on to that one thing until you have arrived". This book consists of four parts, each of which is briefly described in this article: the metaphor of the dominos, six lies that stand between you and your success, the simple path to productivity, and four tips to become even more productive.

The Leadership Pipeline - R.Charan (summary)

In his book The Leadership Pipeline, Ram Charan describes the pressing problem of processes within organizations to develop their future leaders and to give a helping hand to solve this problem.

Deep Change - R.E.Quinn (summary)

In Deep Change Robert E. Quinn describes the importance of profound personal and organizational change, to be able to move along with the changing world around us. Deep change means an irreversible, radical change that cannot be controlled from the outside but arises from within.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Product Development - T.Jacobs


In this LinkedIn Post, Travis Jacobs describes the 7 deadly sins of Product development, which actually also apply to project management in general.

The 7 sins are:

  • The Pregnant Woman Theory
  • Stepping over $100 to pick up a Penny
  • Champgne on a Beer budget
  • The scalpel is only as good as the surgeon who uses it
  • you never run out of things that go wrong
  • A plan is just a list of stuff that didn't happen
  • good.. fast.. cheap... pick any two 


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